B A B Y – R E F L E X O L O G Y
The first year of a child’s life, wonderful as it is, can also push us to our limits. Sometimes we lack the means to deal with a newborn baby who does not have access to verbal communication.
Learn the basics of reflexology and how to use it on your newborn.
An amazing ancient technique that will give you the opportunity to connect, bond and spend some quality time with your little treasure.
Discover a practical and accessible tool that will help you relieve a baby’s daily ailments, create moments of relaxation, and above all allow the child to feel in connection with his parents/guardians.
During these 3 weeks of classes (1hour each session) you will learn:
– The origins of reflexology
-The benefits and contra-indications
-When and how to practice it
-Different grounding techniques to create a link before a session
– 6 targeted routines (respiratory system, nervous system, immune system, digestive system, teeth, sleep)
– Other methods to relieve and connect with your child and much more…
You will meet other parents and babies in a lovely relaxing environment, and leave those classes with a booklet full of all the knowledge you’ve received and a lovely roll-on of mixed oils to use on your baby feet … and yours. Taste food and drink to help you relax and feel energised.
Date: Thursday’s 22nd of September / 29th of September / 6th of October
Time: 2 to 3 pm
Price: 60 euros
Location: The palms health and wellbeing Centre, Gorey
For more information, booking and inquiries please contact Maeva 0833946467